
31st MRTA
Found 18 items
Strategy Map Strategy Map
Performance Report - Annual 2024 6 Months - Annual 2023 6 Months , 1 Year - Annual 2022 6 Months, 1 Year- Annual 2021 6 Months, 1 Year- Annual 2020 6 Months, 1 Year- Annual 2019 6 Months, 1 Year- Annual 2018 6 Months, 1 Year
The Strategic Framework      The strategic framework created an operational guideline, to help move forward the MRTA’s vision and to successfully complete the main missions of the MRTA in a more tangible fashion. This framework consists of strategic objectives, goals, key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets, strategies, and tactics, which are significant to the framework of the strategic plan. The detail of the strategic framework is listed below
Mission       The mission statements is set out as a general principal to guide the operation of MRTA during the fiscal year 2023-2027 that will assist the organisation in achieving its communicated vision.   1. Supervise design and construction of metro system expansion to create a more effective mass transit network and feeder system.   2. Elevate and connect the service system with related mass transit systems, to enhance commuting experience for citizens.   3.Develop related businesses and be a part of society enhancement, community and sustainable urbanization.   4. Pass on knowledge and expertise within the mass transit system and expand innovations that support the nation’s mass transit system.   5. Improve MRTA personnel and the organization to the highest competency and to build confidence in all sectors to collectively achieve goals in a sustainable manner.
Policy of MRTA Board of Directors    MRTA Board of Directors determines the policy and governs the operation of MRTA. Therefore, in order for MRTA operation to be in accordance with the objectives and consistent with the government’s policy, MRTA Board of Directors has set out a policy to be used as guideline for operation and governance, as follows   1. To provide a mass transit service that is convenient, safe, punctual, affordable and use technologies to improve services along with develop and adopt common ticket system while focusing on satisfaction for all users.   2. To operate under good corporate governance according to universal standards, and to manage risks at acceptable levels. This includes focusing on protection and reducing impacts caused by operations, especially effects on citizens or stakeholders during the construction period.   3. To accelerate completion of different metro projects in order to be meet the projected schedules, and to also study metro route expansion within major.....
Mandate The “Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand” Act B.E. 2543 (2000) has set 3 objectives with the following   1. carry out mass rapid transit operations in Bangkok Metropolitan and its vicinity, including other provinces as prescribed by Royal Decree, or between such provinces.   2. study, analyze and prepare projects or plans pertaining to mass rapid transit operations for improvement and modernization thereof.   3. To carry out businesses related to the mass rapid transit operations or other business beneficial to the MRTA and passengers using the mass rapid transit services.

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