Mr. Phumintra Plungsombut

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Terms 19 September 2024
Date of Birth 9 February 1965
Education Background
Bachelor’s Degree • Bachelor of Political Science Public Administration Chulalongkorn University
Present position

• Chief Inspector General , Ministry of Finance

Director/Senior Executive in Other Organization at present

• Senior expert, office of the Prime Minister (Executive Higher Level)

Working Experience
2024 - Present Senior expert, office of the Prime Minister (Executive Higher Level). Office of the Permanent Secretary.
2020 - 2024 Deputy Secretary-General to the Cabinet. The Secretariat of the Cabinet.
2019 - 2020 Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet (Executive, Primary Level). The Secretariat of the Cabinet.
2015 - 2019 Director of Division of Royal Scribe and Royal Decorations (Director, Higher Level). The Secretariat of the Cabinet.