The Orange Line

1. Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA)

   Thailand Cultural Centre - Lam Sali - Min Buri 

     Content and Appendixs

   Taling Chan - Thailand Cultural Centre



2. Environmental Impact Prevention and Corrective Measures Compliance Report and environmental impact monitoring measures

     Main Report No. 1/2565

     Appendixs 1 No.1/2565

     Appendixs 2 No. 1/2565

     Appendixs 3 No. 1/2565

     Appendixs 4 No. 1/2565

     Appendixs 5 No. 1/2565

     Main Report No. 2/2565

     Appendixs No. 2/2565

     Main Report No. 1/2566

     Appendixs No. 1/2566

     Main Report No. 2/2566 

     - Main Report No.1/2567

3. Minutes of the Board meeting to supervise of measures to prevent and reduce environmental impacts

     No. 1/2565

     No. 2/2565

     No. 1/2566