MRTA organizes first aid, CPR and AED usage training project
03 July 2566
Mr. Tanom Rattanasate, Assistant
Governor of Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) presided over first aid, CPR and AED usage training project for MRTA officers in occasion of Ministry of Transport (MOT) 111th establishment
anniversary on Monday 3rd July 2023 at meeting room 2, 9th
floor, building 1, MRTA where officers from Security and Rescue Department were lecturers and trainers on first aid, CPR and AED usage
topics both theory and practice and officers from Safety Occupational Health
and Environment Office were lecturers on office safety guidelines.
This project was held in order to
provide knowledge, training and developing resuscitation skills for MRTA
officers to use to help people in need especially during festivals and also to
promotes doing good deeds, public minds and good image of government officials
to the public.