MRTA participates in Buddhist Relics procession at Nang Chee temple’s Relics Parade 2021
06 September 2564
Mr. Tanom Rattanasate, Assistant Governor on behalf of Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) participated in Buddhist Relics procession at Nang Chee temple’s Relics Parade 2021 on Sunday 21st November 2021 at Bang Khun Non station.
Nang Chee temple’s Relics Parade is local merit event organizing Buddhist Relics procession through the canal. The route of the procession passes 2 M.R.T. station including Bang Phai station and Bang Khun Non station where MRTA designed both stations with steel bridge above the train tracks and hoisting system for moving the relics above any obstacles which is the rule of the event. Therefore, MRTA participated in the ceremony every year to support and strengthen relationship between MRTA and communities.